What kind of income would you like to make in network marketing? Would you like to: Make $2,000+/month Earn $45,000+/year Build a multi-million dollar business over time? Most people will never make a significant income in network marketing. Most people don’t make a lot of money in anything. But with network marketing, it’s possible! And that’s what got me excited 17 years ago! I got excited about the possibility to make enough money to not have to have a job and not have to work for somebody else. But I also understood that it was going to take time and effort. And a lot of closing! So inside this training, you’ll find the best and most effective ways to follow up with prospects without sounding salesy! These methods have worked for me and that’s why I want to share them with you. Let’s do this! How To Effectively Follow Up With Prospects It’s All Connected The first thing you need to understand is that it’s all connected. Pr...
Did you know that having an engaged, active, and growing Facebook community is one of the best ways to succeed in direct sales? But, we all get stuck sometimes on WHAT to post to get our direct sales Facebook groups talking! I’ve put together the ultimate list for you. Here are 101 Facebook group engagements post ideas for you to use! Facebook Group Engagement Post Ideas Tell me what you just did and add “like a boss” Name a candy that starts with the 1st letter of your 1st name Describe yourself using emojis only What was the last book you read? Post the last picture you saved to your phone Name a song with a color in the title Drop an emoji that describes your Friday night Storytime! Using only 2 words keep the story going in the comments What is the weather like where you are today? What is your biggest pet peeve? What is your favorite food to eat? Describe your upcoming weekend plans using song titles What is your superhero name?...
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