How to Use Facebook Groups to Build Your Network Marketing Business

You’re about to discover how to use Facebook Groups build your network marketing business bigger, faster, and with significantly less work.

—which is exactly what you want, right?

Watch the video below; I reveal best practices for how to use social media for network marketing using Facebook groups, and what types of groups are most effective.

To begin, I suggest that as a network marketer, you start with a group for your prospects and your potential team members.

You want it to have a name like a team name.

However, you don’t want it to be your company name.

Facebook groups are super easy to put together which is great for network marketing.

What is great is that people that have looked at the product and can meet some of your team members.

You don’t have to run the group all by yourself.

Because if you’re like me, you like more money for less work!

All of your team is also in this group because they’re going to help you run it.

1. In this group, you are going do a pinned post first

The pinned post should have the tool that you use to share your product opportunity or service.

You want to make sure that this post states the rules of the group.

There’s no spamming in the group.

There’s no stealing other people’s people in the group.

Now, ours says, “dance with the one that brought you.”

That’s more of a positive note instead of no stealing each other’s customers.

When we were brand new, we didn’t have enough customers to put into our own group.

We joined with a couple different distributors in our company and put a group together.

Then, everybody that we’ve enrolled since then is put into that group and everybody uses that for the “double ATMF.”

Don’t worry, I’m going to explain that here in a second.

You have that pinned post at the very top of the group.

It’s a video, usually a tool.

Right now, video is super popular.

The next thing that you want to start putting into your group is…

2. Training on products and also testimonials

Any testimonials that you can find, put them inside of your group.

You also want to put a disclaimer that you don’t cure disease or whatever.

That makes sure that you are covered legally just to avoid problems.

Then comes adding people to your group.

You’ve added your team members and maybe you’ve built this group together with a couple other distributors or team members.

You put them inside this group.

You are going to ask new prospects or customers the following…

“Could I add you to this amazing group where you can get more information about X, Y and Z.”

In this group, we’re talking about network marketing.

I’m going to talk about the benefits of having a prospecting and potential team member group next, but first, I want to talk about the double ATM.

Nothing is more annoying than being added to 10 to a 100 groups a day that you did not ask to be in.

Make sure you’re ASKING your potential client/customer/team member if they want to be added to the group

Once you get approval, you are going to add them to the group.

Then, you are going to tag them in that pinned post.

You’re going to post their name in the bottom and say…

“Hey, great to meet you. I’m excited that you’re here in the group. We will be chatting soon.”

Then, you are going to message them.

Now, if you need more training on this, there is an “ATMF” training that Erving delivered in the Insider Monthly training

You can get all the training you need for this process.

All I did was add an ask.

Mine’s a “double ATMF,” because I think it’s important that we ASK people before we add them to a group.

Once they are tagged in the message, you are then going to send them a message in messenger and you’re going to add some team members or some upline to the message.

That message is just edifying your upline, edifying the customer, the same thing that you would do on a three-way call basically except you’re doing it in messenger.

The cool part about this is that you don’t have to set up times with your upline or team members

You just put the message together.

Three-way message, it’s simple.

You send it out.

What happens in this group, this is so cool, is that there are layers of follow-up that ends up happening.

You are not doing it all.

Put it in your group when there is a…

  • Testimonial
  • Live video in the group about how great the products worked for them
  • Post about how much money they’ve made because they joined your team

This is building layers of follow-up.

You are not in charge of it which creates leverage in your business.

Anything that comes out new in your company, for your product, for your team — you are going to post in your group.

You’re going to have a couple different moderators, team members that are also doing the same thing.

You want to make sure that there is engagement into the group; happy, fun culture of engagement.

That’s the first group;

  • Prospects
  • Customers
  • Potential team members
  • Your team that is already enrolled because they’re going to go in there and answer people’s questions

You have to play nice in this group, especially if you’re at the top of the group.

You don’t want to be going in and eating up all your people’s people.

You want to send them to where they came from.

The next group you’re going to build is for your team members

If you do any sort of training more than once, if you have to explain yourself more than once, teach them how to do something more than once, you want to build a group or a website to have this training available.

It could be a group on Facebook, but what do you want to think with your brain as you’re growing this business is if Facebook went away, where am I storing all this information?

You want to have a backup.

I’ve heard this from some of the top leaders in the space that sometimes things end up happening and you lose everything that you’ve already built.

You want to make sure you have everything that you’ve done either in Vimeo or Wistia or wherever.

You want to make sure you’re backing up this information so that you don’t have to go in and recreate it.

But if you have to do a video to teach somebody how to prospect online or whatever, and you have to do that more than once, make a video and put it into the team group.

I plan to eventually change my team group into social learning because then you can add units.

The units would be like “start here,” etc.

You go through each piece.

What ends up happening in this team group which is super cool, is that people build a community.

When you have a team all over the world, this group is where people come to interact with their team members.

You are going to build this culture into this group

There are some fun things that you can do inside groups to build culture.

There is “Shout Out Sunday.”

There’s a “Winning Wednesday.”

You want to have a lot of recognition in this group.

Anybody that’s moving forward in their business, anybody that’s hit a milestone in their business, anybody that’s having a great month in their business – they should get some recognition.

That would be what I would do in that group.

You can also do team trainings that you post there.

You can go live in that group to share anything that’s new.

Just use that group for just team members that are enrolled.

That group is where you announce everything that you’re doing for the team, team promotions, team everything in there.

That’s where you train them.

We’re going to go to the next stage which is affiliate marketing.

When you have an affiliate marketing business and you’re not a network marketer, you can also build a prospect and a customer and a potential team member group.

Think of affiliate as the same way you would network marketing except you’re not getting paid on levels down.

When people buy a product, let’s say, they buy the attraction marketing formula…

You would put them in this group!

In this group that you are building, this is where you’re going to give your tips, things that are working for you, extra trainings, more value for people that you are able to move people forward in the process of affiliate marketing.

If we use Elite Marketing Pro as an example, if they buy AMF and you put them into this group, then you can do a live with somebody that went VIP.

They could talk about what they’re learning in VIP.

They could talk about what it’s done for their business.

They could talk about anything that’s happened with VIP.

They’re going forward with the training and EMP going through ignition.

It builds a bond that you know what you’re talking about and that they need to go VIP.

They start to think about, okay, this is working for Brandy or this is working for Beth or this is working for Michael.

They went VIP.

That’s obviously the next step that I should take.

Then, these people upgrade to VIP.

Then, you could have somebody come in that went elevation and how their business has changed or even acceleration or whatever.

See how you’re moving them through the process?

You’re adding value because you are getting them what is next for their business

You’re also adding to your own business because they’re upgrading.

You’re obviously making a commission.

Then, we’re going to talk about the one last thing that you can do as a group.

I don’t know if you guys have noticed.

There are a couple of people here in the Elite Marketing Pro community that have built really cool groups.

You can search around.

I’m sure you’ve seen some of them.

I’m not going to give shout outs to whoever because I don’t want to play favorites or anything like that, but I want you to know that there are people that are thinking outside of the box.

They’re doing something different.

They’re adding value to the marketplace and their businesses are exploding.

That’s the point of groups.

In groups…

You want to make sure you have a purpose and a mission

Ask yourself the following…

  • What is the point of the group?
  • What is our vision for this group?
  • What are we trying to do?

When you’re growing your group, have a step-by-step process.

When you come in my group as a prospect, you get asked, added, tagged and messaged.

You can also have the first step be to join the group.

If they bought AMF and you send them an e-mail, the first thing they need to do is join your group.

The second thing is to share with friends or drop a video inside the group.

You’re creating community that way.

You want to have a step by step process.

At first, it may seem like a lot of work.

But as you build this group and it gets more and more members in it, you can also use the call to action.

You could say – share this group with your friends.

They start bringing people in.

Maybe you have a free group before they get to the paid group.

You want to make sure that you’re building it out.

When you build it out, you can build a mini funnel of groups.

  • The free group
  • They bought a product group
  • Team member group

There are some things you want to do inside to grow your group.

Create a short link so that whenever you talk about the group, it’s like

That’s how people would find you so you can create a short link for your group.

You can also link groups together which is really cool.

We have a free group and a challenge that then it goes to a paid group.

If I link those groups together, they could actually see the paid group.

They can see the next step.

There’s a post that goes with it that says…

“Hey, did you get value out of the free group? Can you imagine what you get out of the paid group? Head over to the VIP group and you’ll get X, Y and Z.”

It has a short link to join them.

Then, one other thing to grow is featuring people outside of your group.

You could share on your personal page or your fan page about this person who is getting results.

Then, you can put on the bottom of it.

“Hey, this is how you join the free group or this is how you get into the group.”

You give them the link.

Then, you have more people coming into the group.

To give you an idea, I went to bed last night at like midnight.

When I woke up – I have 18 people that want to be a part of my group today, which is pretty cool.

You’re going to grow your group.

The next piece is…

3. Be engaging

Here are some tips for you.

You can shoot a personal message to the most active in your group.

You find the top contributors by going into group insights.

It will walk you through it inside there.

Just click around till you find it, but it’s inside there under group insights.

You can promote top contributors to admins or moderators which does two things.

If you are adding top performers as moderators they feel like, “wow, she is noticing what I’m doing.”

They’re getting a little bit of recognition.

You’re also getting more leverage because you have a policing team that can knock out the spammers, knock out the haters, and the trolls.

You’re not spending all day long staring at your screen.

You want to make sure you’re building a policing group.

The next piece is…

4. Show what it looks like behind the scenes to build your business

You could do this on a live.

You could do a blog post.

You could do regular posts inside the group.

People love stuff like that.

They love to see the backend of how all this works.

If you’re building a product or you’re building something really cool, you could do first looks showing what it’s going to look like.

Then, you can give them two options.

“Do you like logo A or a logo B?”

You’re building engagement with your group.

You can poll your groups so you can find out what they want to learn next.

You can share quick wins like a small blog post giving tips with the call-to-action inside of your group.

You can start a debate.

You don’t want to do religion or politics because that gets crazy, but if you have a health group, you could do – which is better, meat or veggies.

It’s a whole controversial thing about being a vegan versus being a carnivore.

You can build a group that way.

Quizzes are really cool because you’re looking for a certain answer but they’re giving you their opinions.

This also gives you some inside information on how to train them.

Go live for your members.

Interaction is key.

When you’re doing a live, always talk to the audience, because they’re going to be the ones that are watching it.

Then, allow people to post their links inside your group, but only on certain posts and on certain days.

There was a guy that I talked to earlier this week that has a free speech Friday.

Everyone can post their links.

They can have all kinds of conversations about different products, teams whatever.

It’s only allowed on that one post.

This cuts down on the spamming, the haters and all of that that goes on in your group because they know on Fridays they can have free speech.

Then, the last one is…

5. Business settings in your groups

Check out the group insights.

This is a great place for you to get information.

You can also look at member details like age, gender, and demographics.

This comes in handy when you start running advertising because you already know who’s inside the group.

Now, if this is overwhelming for somebody that’s new – just start with one group.

You don’t need to put up 15 groups at once.

Just do one, get it rolling the way that you want.

Get some ideas.

Get your feet wet.

Then, add another group.

Make sure you have some things in those groups running efficiently before you do another one.

The other thing is to do polls for your group and ask what this audience wants to know.

You can actually do a poll on what they want to learn next.

In your customer group, you could do it on the products.

In your affiliate group, you could do, do you want to know how to do Facebook lives?

Do you want to know how to do ads?

That collects info for you to use elsewhere.

  • You can do trainings
  • You can do webinars
  • You could actually build a product

Then, when you’re doing a live event, you can ask for volunteers out of those groups to help you.

Someone to monitor the comments, someone to do the techie side, whatever, this brings people closer into your circle.

As you do that, they will want to work with you more!

As you can see…

The Internet is simply better than traditional network-building

Online, you can set up systems to prospect, sell, and recruit automatically, which will allow you to scale your business and build your network quickly.

In fact, Facebook groups are not the only way to make sales and engage with an audience.

Facebook Live allows you to stream to an audience live videos allowing immediate engagement. You can read more about how best to use the Facebook Live tool to increase engagement elsewhere on this site.

Beyond even Facebook, you can actually leverage the Internet to close literally 90% of your prospects, recruits, and even customers, completely on autopilot, without cold calling or rejection of any kind.

So if you’re looking for a way to automate your prospecting and to start attracting people who are already looking for you, then I strongly encourage you to sign up for Elite Marketing Pro’s FREE 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp.

You’ll learn how to build your business online using proven “attraction marketing” strategies so you’ll never have to chase down deadbeat prospects, or deal with cold calling and rejection, ever again.

Plus, you’ll see how Ferny Ceballos, CMO of Elite Marketing Pro, passively generates 300–500 leads per day, 30–50 customers per day, and recruit 70–100 new serious business-builders into his business each month.

These methods allow you to build your business automatically—where prospects reach out to you (instead of you having to chase them).

So if you’re ready to get started…

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