One Easy Trick To Recruit More Prospects Into Your MLM

The other day I was listening to a webinar with industry guru Tom Challan,
and he said something that struck home for me.
When I thought about what he said, I realized it was something that I sort of already did, but that I
could implement much better.
It will help you not only recruit more but get your downline to duplicate!
Tom said, “get your new recruits busy!”
Almost too simple, right?
Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to get our new recruits’ (or prospects’) mindset right, their
business plan down, and listening to lots of training and webinars that we forget what they really
need for success.
It has always been about rolling up your sleeves and getting down and dirty in the trenches!
People who very consistently work extremely hard at something will almost always be successful.
It’s common for us to want to tell these people all the little itty bitty teeny tiny things we’ve learned
since we got started. We want to help them shave 6 months off the learning curve.
But, we should be focusing more on helping them get started with a marketing strategy immediately
and working hard at it. We should be teaching them to write articles, cut videos, or prospect on
Facebook and social media to begin right away (by the way, getting out and doing it is the fastest
way to cut down on the learning curve).
I realized that I do this from time to time with my prospects, and they’re usually the ones that come
back to me for more!
When you’re working with a prospect, odds are they are failing, and odds are it’s because they aren’t
working hard enough at a particular strategy to have success.
Help your prospect cut down his activities to one, very productive marketing strategy and they’ll
praise you for helping them.
Because you got them busy and working on something, they’ll immediately latch onto you and see
your value.
Your response from those prospects will be amazing. I’ve seen prospects after one call or email
message already looking to me as a leader (and that’s a giant step towards becoming their sponsor!).
So, when you’re working on prospecting and providing value to others, try to get them busy doing
something that works. Say “this is what I do and it works for me, here’s how you do it.”
You’ll see a huge increase in the number of people who look to you as a leader and a higher
percentage of your prospects will join your company.
And, of course, make sure you do this with your new recruits as well. A larger percent of them will
have success, and your retention will skyrocket. Furthermore, if for

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