How To Recruit 4+ People/Month Into Your Network Marketing Business

  1. Have confidence in your products and your business. If you’re not fully
    confident in the usefulness/value of what it is your company has to offer you should consider finding
    a different company. And if you are, then don’t be hesitant to share what you’ve got.
    Ideally, you need to be operating with the mindset that people NEED your product and your
    opportunity, and it is your duty to share it with others.
    2.Get references. That’s right! Even the people who don’t want something to do with your business
    KNOW other people who might be? A great question to ask here is “Do you know anyone else who’s
    a) Unhappy with their job – or
    b) Wants to legitimately make 10-20 thousand dollars a month from home?” (Or you can use both.)
    Of course they do! The person you’re talking to likely does to, but you have to be willing to show
    them you are ready to move on to someone else- that you don’t need them for your business- because
    you’ll be bringing in other people instead. We’re all trained to want what we can’t have- and the
    moment someone feels like you’re not needy toward them for your business- bam- that’s when they
    want in. It shouldn’t make sense of course, but it’s true. One of the first lessons in master MLM
    recruiting is knowing what the person you are talking about WANTS.
  2. Use Social Proof
    If you want, simply keep a reference form of satisfied clients or people you work with (even in your
    upline!) as visual proof of not only the legitimacy of your opportunity but proof that there are other
    people involved. I wouldn’t recommend using everyone’s phone number, but maybe use a few of the
    people you’re working with as actual contacts. (Make sure to tell them they may be getting calls
    first. )
    In exchange, you can then offer to do the same for them as a reference.
    The #1 Tip To Master MLM Recruiting:
  3. Get Good at Overcoming Objections
    Master MLM recruiting, or any other type of successful entrepreneur really knows that there will
    always be some no’s before there can be yes’s.
    First – qualify the objection.
    Break down the questions you encounter into two categories: stupid questions and valid ones.
    The first category-stupid questions- include ones like “Is this a pyramid?” or something along these
    lines. Why is it stupid? Because this question is based out of ignorance. It’s become widely known
    over the last several years that network marketing companies are not only legitimate businesses but
    endorsed by some of the savviest business people in the world. So for these questions, it’s best to
    either ignore it or turn it around and respond positively to the question while brushing it aside.
    The Second category: deal with these objections honestly. If someone tells you they don’t have
    enough money for the business, don’t be afraid to call them out and ask if that is truly the case or if
    they just don’t want to hurt your feelings. And if it’s the latter remain positive and respond with
    something like-
    “Well I wish you would have told me this back when we got started.”
    In order to master MLM recruiting -one must always be positive, even when things don’t go exactly
    your way. Now for exactly how to deal with THE #1 objection network marketers come across, tune
    in for my next post-I show you precisely what to do.
    Master MLM Recruiting – the Next Steps
    There are two problems which need to be solved to have unlimited success in this industry, and
    when one learns to master MLM recruiting-they are still faced with these obstacles.
    They are….
    1) A lack of leads
    2) A lack of cash flow
    Smart marketers are using the internet to find interested parties for their business every day. will
    show you how to solve both of these problems using some smart free marketing strategies on how to
    generate dozens of leads a day interested in your business, and how to actually profit from the
    people who aren’t.
    My Primary Business Click Here

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