How to Build a Profitable Network Marketing Business in 60 Minutes a Day (The FAME Formula)

When it comes to building a profitable network marketing business, do you ever feel like a bull in a China shop?

That’s okay. Ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on ice. It’s better to take action (even though you don’t really know what you’re doing) than do nothing. 

Wanna be successful in the long run?

Properly manage your time. If you consider the time you’re currently investing in your business, do you feel productive? Intentional? Like you’re showing up focused?  

You need to focus on what matters most—a.k.a. on income-producing activities—so in this training, we’re going to show you our FAME Formula to help you build a profitable business in ONE hour a day.

How to Build a Profitable Network Marketing Business in 60 Minutes a Day (The FAME Formula)

Before we get to it, here’s one phrase you don’t wanna use ever:

“I’ve talked to everybody I know.”

With 3 billion people on social media, we can all agree there are new humans to connect with every single day. Nobody’s talked to everybody they know.

Start thinking of yourself as a professional conversation starter. The people on your team who are struggling are either a) not having business conversations regularly or b) very salesy and spammy. 

So here’s the FAME formula that’s going to help you and your team crush it!

FAME stands for:

  • Follow-up
  • ATMF prospecting
  • Marketing
  • Expanding your network

# Follow Up (15 mins/day)

It shocks me how many times I hear people say, “I just don’t keep track of my prospects”, or “I’m just not good at follow-up.” That’s not something you should brag about. You need to record every person you ATMF: anyone you add to a group, put in a group chat, and anyone who wants to engage and learn more about your opportunity. 

Your goal is to either circle a person’s name because they joined or bought a product, or cross them off your Follow Up List. It’s either one or the other— you’ve got other people waiting to take advantage of your opportunity. 

PRO Tip: Encourage customers to refer people by incentivizing them to put up referral posts. Say something like, “Hey, I’m giving away Amazon gift cards. I’m going to do a raffle for anyone that puts up a referral post.” Try to get one referral post up every day. 

# ATMF Prospecting (15 mins/day)

Whether you’re using the ATMF system or you simply have a group to expose people to your products and opportunity, your goal is to have conversations and ask people if they’re open to watching a 10-minute presentation video & making money online. If they’re not open, think about it as planting seeds. Your aim to help them with an issue they’re having, and it doesn’t have to be right now.

Find out if you have influencers on your list—people who have good engagement, thousands of Facebook friends, or they simply put out good content—and reach out. Say something along these lines: 

  • “Hey, [name]. How’s it going? How’s the family? Listen, I’m reaching out to see if you’re open to making money online. We work with people just like you, [profession/job].”

PRO Tip: Aim to prospect at least 10 people every day. Check out their Facebook profile first to make sure you know what they’re up to, what they’re posting about, what they do for a living, and keep it short and sweet.

Extra Tip: Our top producers lead with the products because it’s easier to sell a product than to find someone to sell the product. Reach out to 50 people this week about the products and another 50 people about the business, and see which one converts better.

# Marketing (15 mins/day)

If you want to be profitable, you gotta learn how to market, create curiosity, empower, and entertain your audience using social media content. Follow the 15-7 formula to create content that brings value. Here’s how it works. Create:

  • 10 posts/week that are fun, personal, lifestyle or bring generic value
  • 4 posts/week that offer nonchalant promotion aka. curiosity posts
  • 1 power post/week that’s a direct promotion

If you don’t know how to come up with content, think about what you are passionate about, your hobbies, your likes, dislikes, and use them to start teaching and helping people. 

PRO Tip: Do more curiosity posts in your Stories. The people crushing it right now in our team are doing Before and Afters in their Stories. They’re either showing the benefits of the products or sharing real results that people got. 

# Expanding Your Network (15 mins/day)

Before you can expand and accelerate your growth, you have to become a person of value. Work on yourself and be a go-giver. Engage on other people’s posts if you want more engagement. Give more comments, love, likes; post in groups, and connect with people. You want to make as many relationships as possible and engage with your followers.

Also, join at least three to five groups every week. Make sure you introduce yourself, share what you’re all about and what you want to accomplish as part of the community. 

Remember: It’s easier to recruit people who speak the same language. If you wanna recruit people with class, you need to be classy. Do you want to recruit motivated people? You need to be motivated. You want to recruit people with influence? Become influential. 

PRO Tip: Aim to build depth in your relationships. Most of the people we sign up these days are people who have been following us for months or years and we’ve gotten to know them better.

Challenge Time

How many people have you added to a Group Chat? And how many of those Group Chats are not active? Here’s my challenge for you.

Go back through all the Group Chats that you’ve set up or the Group Chats you’ve been put in and just say:

  • “Hey, Sam, how’s it going?”
  • “How are things coming along? Have you had a chance to review the information?”
  • “Hey, Stanley, what do you want the next step to be? What did you like best? What questions did you have or are you ready to get started?”

Just pop a question in all your Group Chats, reconnecting with people. And if they don’t respond in the Group Chat, send them a direct message. Say something along the lines of, “Hey, Ashley, are you all right? Forget about the business for a second. I just want to make sure you’re okay because I know you were super excited.”

These are the money-making activities you should focus on every single day if you want to see long-term, sustainable results. And the best thing? They take only 60 min out of your day! 

Are you implementing other strategies that are working for you? Let me know in the comments below. And if you found value in this training, share it with your team!

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