The Art Of Prospecting Lesson #1
Learn the Art of Prospecting in Your Network Marketing Business
Network marketing prospecting is the most important skill to master when looking to establish your network marketing business and therefore it is important that you invest some time towards developing your technique. For this reason we have dedicated a whole chapter towards how to improve your prospecting success.
The grim reality is that the success rate for most people involved in network marketing, or multi-level marketing, is really poor. You may have heard that 95% of people in multi-level marketing companies make little or no money. The Top 5% live wonderful lives. They make tens of thousands of dollars a month, live in beautiful mansions, drive expensive cars and travel the world.
In order to master effective prospecting tips in your MLM business, you need to know exactly what prospecting means. Even before you decide to sign up for a particular network marketing prospecting system, it is critical that you learn what you are doing and the history of why you do what you are about to do.
Many of the systems in the marketplace will give you tips and tricks on various strategies concerning PPC, video and article marketing, but which system teaches you to how do everything from selecting the niches you should be marketing, to teaching you how to build your blog or site in a way that makes you the authority? If you are directing leads to the replicated site provided by your company you are already losing.
New school vs. Old school
It is now possible for an average person to successfully market to any number of niche groups using free or low cost internet marketing tools. But in order to be successful you can’t just use your same old hard-core selling techniques. You must use the POWER OF THE INTERNET along with a well put together marketing system. This is the NEW SCHOOL way of doing network marketing. By using a PROVEN STEP BY STEP SYSTEM, this will bring you more leads than you can handle. Leads can be generated very easily over the internet.
Think about this for a second. If you were a Tax Preparer, would you go after people who are Employed or Unemployed? Most network marketers do the TOTAL OPPOSITE. They go after anyone with a heartbeat. In this case, you will here so many NO’S which will eventually cause you to quit all together. This is what happens to 95% of network marketers.
So Which would you rather do
Would you rather spend all your time chasing leads and trying to convince unwilling people to listen to your DVD… or go to your meeting… or try a sample of your product?
Would you rather have 5 – 10 or more people contact you everyday about your business; people who are motivated and know they need to make a change in their life?
It’s always better to have your leads contact you. Now you can spend the majority of your time signing up people in your MLM Business.
Tired of buying unresponsive MLM marketing leads just to face rejection once again? Or spending hours tracking down new prospects who really don’t want to hear what you have to say?
Learn how to attract only interested Network Marketing leads to you and say “goodbye” to rejection forever.
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