The persistence trap

 “You gotta be persistent to win.”

Ever hear that?

Here’s the problem with persistence…

Most people in our industry (myself included at one time), take it literally.

The majority of network marketers think that persistence is a religion that must be practiced at all times.

Sadly, it’s hurting them.

Now, of course tenacity, perseverance, determination are a must if you’re going to win.

Because you’re going to have setbacks. Something that knocks you down.

And you gotta have a way to pick yourself up and keep going.

This is where having persistence is important.

But there’s a flip side to this coin.

If you keep banging your head against a brick wall, no matter how persistent you may be… it ain’t coming down.

And continuing to do it is NOT persistence, but lack of good judgement. IMHO.

For example…

Persistently chasing after friends and family who already said ‘no’ multiple times.

Persistently cold prospecting and posting opportunity links on Facebook even though it hasn’t produced a lick of results.

Persistently following up with people who clearly have no interest in the business and will probably never sign up.

This kind of persistence doesn’t help grow your business.

Instead, sooner or later it mentally derails you. Because you can hit a brick wall only so many times before you realize it will never move.

You see, winners don’t keep banging their head against the wall, hoping it’ll come down.

Winners find another way to either get around the wall… or a different tool to knock it down.
  Believe me, I kept smacking my head for over 10 years, instead of finding a better, smarter way to do things.

I was stuck in the persistence trap. And was dang proud of it.

However, here’s a sobering thought…

If what you’re doing right now isn’t producing great results…

If it’s not getting you more prospects…

If it’s not creating more sales…

If it’s not adding new people to your team…

And if it doesn’t put more cash in your pockets….

It may be time to stop beating your head against the wall and escape the persistence trap by looking for a different way to get results. Don’t you think?

I’m talkin’ about…  

A different way to recruit and sell.

And a different way to build your entire business… without having to smash your head.

If that sounds like a good idea…

Hit this link and discover how in the next few minutes.  

Talk soon,

The post The persistence trap appeared first on Travel 2 Freedom.

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