Network Marketing Prospecting – The Secret to Never Dealing With Objections Again Or Frustrating Prospects

MLM prospecting can be an extremely frustrating task. It seems like there’s always rejection, some type of objection, or just a flat out “NO” from your network marketing prospect lurking just around every corner.

Now while MLM prospecting is a very broad category, it’s pretty safe to say that most Network Marketers struggle with objections. All too often it seems you’re cut down by your prospect with something like…
o Isn’t this a pyramid scheme?
o Those things don’t work
o Who sells the products?
o I’m not a salesman.
o I’m too busy.
o My spouse won’t let me do it
o I don’t know enough people to make it work
o I can’t afford to get started right now

Anyway, I could go on and on…

But the point is, I know these objections sound familiar. After all, they should, because it’s the same crap that I heard over, and over, and over again when I first joined Network Marketing and starting prospecting for my MLM business. (Crazy how it never changes…)

But then I ran across a great leader in the network marketing industry, and what he shared with me changed the way I went about prospecting for my network marketing business forever.
Here’s the statement, and don’t freak out, because I’m warning you that it may not seem glamorous, but I assure you that if you are currently struggling with objections from your prospects like I was, here’s what you must understand–

Network Marketers Get Objections Because They Provoke It.

Like I said, not that special “objection solution lottery ticket” you may be looking for, but it is the truest statement about objections I’ve ever learned.

It goes back to the foundation of MLM prospecting —- Mindset — And ties heavily into how we’re wired psychologically as human beings.

Now here’s what that statement means:

YOU portray the fear and the lack of belief that you know you’re the leader your prospect is looking for. Your prospects subconsciously sense this, and begin giving you objections.

So what do you do to stop showing the fear that your prospects will feed off of?

Before you ever make your first call, you absolutely must make a list of qualities you want in a prospect, so you know exactly what you’re looking for.

Here’s just a few of the qualities that make up a solid prospect for your MLM business:

o Good Attitude
o A leader
o Personable
o Goal-Oriented
o Ambitious

You can easily come up with your own list by asking yourself a simple question:

“What would my ideal prospect be like?”

And then the traits that you list should comprise your list of qualities necessary in one of your potential new reps.

Don’t discount this critical step of prospecting. Some of you out there may fool yourself into believing that you can just “wing it”, or believe that “I’ll know when I see it”.

WRONG! Because the most important reason for compiling a list of qualities you’re looking for in your prospect is to dramatically boost your mindset. When you have a list of qualities that your MLM prospect must have, not only are you willing to turn somebody down if they don’t meet the list, but you can start the call off by saying to yourself:

“I am the CEO. You better not be wasting my time because it is precious. I’m doing you a favor here and giving you the keys to solving your problems. “

And trust me, this attitude will come in your prospecting efforts. You see, network marketing is a people business. You have to be the leader – people are always looking for leaders. In fact, people starve for leaders (more on that another time).

So when you are viewed as a leader by your prospect, they will naturally gravitate toward you and want to build a relationship with you. Since network marketing is all about building relationships, the more relationships you form, the bigger your business.

And it all starts with being a leader. Once you master the actions and mindset of a true leader, suddenly you’ll realize that you deal with fewer objections, and you are able to effortlessly build relationships which will equate to exploding your MLM business faster than you ever thought possible. Say goodbye to frustrating MLM prospecting…

The 7 Secrets to Improved Prospecting

The post Network Marketing Prospecting – The Secret to Never Dealing With Objections Again Or Frustrating Prospects appeared first on Travel 2 Freedom.

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