Finding Your “Magic Number” is The Secret to Building Your Network Marketing Business

Did you know that everyone has a “Magic Number” and once you understand it, it guarantees both financial and time freedom? Would you like to know what your “Magic Number” is? Well, now you can!
We have all heard that building a successful Network Marketing business is a “numbers game”. What that means is if we just talk to enough people we can ultimately become successful. But how do we know how many people we need to talk to? Is it even possible to find out and if so “How do you find it”?
The answer is “Yes, it is”…and we can do so by first understanding some history. By looking at what others have done it tells us what is possible for us to do. Let’s look at the “Law of the Magic Number” and how to find yours.
A number of years ago ABC did a show on Amway…the largest Network Marketing business in the world. They interviewed Bill Britt, a multi-millionaire in this industry. When asked, “What is your secret” he replied, “There is no secret. I simply showed the plan to 1200 people, 900 said ‘No’ and only 300 signed-up. Out of the 300, only 85 did anything at all…out of those 85 only 35 were serious…and out of those 35…11 made me a millionaire.” His “Magic Number” was 1200…! Get it!
Rich DeVos, cofounder of Amway Corporation became the 11th richest person in America. He once said that he sponsored 500 people, 495 dropped out and the 5 that stayed built the Amway Corporation. His “Magic Number” was 500…! Get it!
A friend of mine told me that he showed his Network Marketing business to 730 people and 579 said “No”. Of the 151 that joined, 86 did something and of those 86 only 36 were serious. Of those 36 that were serious, 11 made him a millionaire ($80,000 a month!). His “Magic Number” was 730…! Get it!
For Bill Britt his Magic Number was only 11 out of 1200, for Rich DeVos it was only 5 out of 500 and for my friend it was just 11 out of 730…each found their “Magic Number” by “going through the numbers”. The difference in their individual numbers was because of different skill levels, learning curves, personalities, backgrounds and experiences. Because of a lot of factors everyone has a different “Magic Number”. But…based on history we know this…Your personal “Number” is somewhere between 500 and 1500! But, here is the reality…Most people quit LONG before they find their personal “Magic Number”! They quit before the “blessing”… they just don’t know it!
The fact is that most people trying to build a successful Network Marketing business simply don’t stay in the game long enough to become successful. They talk to 2 or 3 people…no one is interested…so they quit. Most people fail in their Network Marketing business for the same reasons they fail in everything else they do. They don’t have the required self-discipline and when you combine the lack of self-discipline with unrealistic expectations…it’s a formula for disaster. And because of this…Most people peak when they sign their application!
So ask yourself this question, “Am I prepared to make presentations of my Network Marketing business (over the next 3-5 years!) to 500-1500 people”? If not…then just understand that you may make some money but you won’t build long-term financial and time freedom. You can either embrace the truth of what it REALLY takes to build your Network Marketing business or you can make up excuses for your failure like everyone else does. Just like the “Laws of Nature”, there are certain “Laws of Success” in this industry. Those “Laws” (whether you choose to believe them or not!) will either work for you or against you…but either way they will work because they are “Laws”.One of them is the “Law of the Magic Number”. The important thing is, will you make it work for you or against you…because…in the end…it’s your most important decision!

The post Finding Your “Magic Number” is The Secret to Building Your Network Marketing Business appeared first on Travel 2 Freedom.

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