Two of the Best-Kept Secrets for Building Your Network Marketing Business
At the end of the day the industry of network marketing is built on RELATIONSHIPS! The more people you talk to, the more people you connect with, the more relationships you build, the more money you make, period. It’s that simple. Sadly, most networkers these days want to hop online and they think that they can simply drive traffic to a website and create a six-figure residual income quickly. Well, they are dead wrong! While the internet is a powerful tool for network marketers, learning how to leverage the internet the right way takes months of hard work, dedication, and study. Learning the internet and how to leverage it to build your business is a process that I believe is well worth the pain and time, but it has to be a skill-set you learn as you constantly focus on the income producing activities at least a few hours a day, which is you connecting with people RIGHT NOW! The glue, the “magic sauce,” the missing link for most networkers these days is that they’ve forgotten that ...