Simple 6 Step Formula: How to Build Retirement for Single Parents
Recently,I became a first-time parent and I am exhausted. I don’t say that for you to feel sorry for me. In fact, don’t. I have it easy by parenting standards. My daughter doesn’t cry very often, she sleeps pretty well and she is very happy. Not only that, even though I try to do the best I can, my wife does most of the hard work…and with all of that, I am still exhausted. The reason it’s important to note that I am exhausted is because I was recently thinking about single parents and quite frankly wondering how you do it? I do the least amount of work, have a great baby, an amazing wife and I am beat at the end of each day. To do it all seems unthinkable and overwhelming. Yet, as unthinkable as it seems, great parents are doing it every day, and somehow, some of you make it look easy. As I thought more about it, I began to draw some parallels to single parents and how the view retirement. You are so inundated with your children that you m...